Rapeseed flowers inject vigor into rural tourism

Rapeseed flowers inject vigor into rural tourism

In recent days, vast fields of rapeseed flowers in east Yunnan’s Luoping county are in full bloom, attracting numerous tourists.

Tourists Wang Xuan and her husband, from Xi'an, capital of Shaanxi province, climbed to the observation platform at the scenic area, taking pictures of the beautiful scenery of the flowers in sunrise.

"We are both enthusiasts of travel and have visited many famous rapeseed flower scenic spots across the country. Luoping's rapeseed flowers are the most distinctive," Wang Xuan said. She also recommended the scenery here to friends and relatives, hoping they could come and see.

Teng Lan and her family came to the scenic spot, too. They chose a different perspective for enjoying the flowers. They took on a small train running in the flower fields. "We saw online that the flowers are in full bloom recently, so we came," said Teng Lan. The small train allows visitors to enter the flower fields and to closely see the flowers.

"Since 2023, we have added various sightseeing projects such as small trains, mountain off-road vehicles, and helicopters to make tourists' experience better," said Jiang Shubin, the manager of the Jinji Peak Cluster scenic area.

During this year's Spring Festival holiday, the scenic area received an average of about 10,000 tourists per day, with a maximum of about 14,000 tourists per day.

"The number of tourists has increased significantly this year, and our tent hotels were fully booked during the Spring Festival period," said Li Biao, the person in charge of the Weiguang Xinghe Flower Sea Campsite.

During this year's 8-day Spring Festival holiday, Luoping county received a total of 308,200 tourists, a year-on-year increase of 155%. The tourist revenue reached 322.4552 billion yuan, up by 466% over the previous year.

Source: Yunnan Net; trans-editing by Wang Yunya
